Sunday, October 21, 2012

Vegetable Juicing Recipes For Weight Loss: Reveal the Secrets!

Vegetable juicing recipes for weight loss will help you a lot! No one wants to have fat on their body, especially for young women. Ideal body slim with flat abs, sexy belly, tight butt and long legs are the most common dream body shape. But not all women are blessed with a sexy body and they need to struggle  hard with fat and to do crazy sport to loss weight fast. Stopping eating will not help you, but just injure your body! Don’t have enough money to go to a beauty specialist for a diet schedule? Don’t want to hurt yourself by doing an extreme Cardio workout? Don’t worry, because the secrets of vegetable juice are ready to be served!

Vegetable Juicing Recipes For Weight Loss Easy!

As we know, vegetable and fruit are the kinds of food that will not make you fat. Because those natural foods only contain vegetable fat and they are really easy to be digested by your body. Different from meat like chicken, lambs, and beef, the meat does not really work to make your body bigger and bigger, moreover you consume the meat over size with carbohydrate. It is better if you organize the size and the menu of your food. For example, if you eat meat, don’t eat it together with carbohydrate. It is also better if you combine meat with fresh vegetable. Non cooked vegetable has many benefits for the body because the vitamins and minerals are still complete.

Kind Of Vegetable Juicing Recipes For Weight Loss!

Juicer recipes are not secret anymore. Maybe about hundred years ago the recipe of vegetable juice was forbidden from general people. Only royal family and their personal maid who knew the recipes. They would not give their secret recipe, because having a secret of their beauty was a big pride! But don’t worry, it does not work anymore. More information about the vegetable juicing recipes for weight loss is better.

If we use vegetable as the only ingredient of our juice, of course the taste will so bad, and the smell is bad too! But, we can combine fruit and veggie, so it tastes better but we get the benefits best! The combination of broccoli and carrot plus oranges can give you enough vitamins for the day. Process it about three or five minutes until it blends and you can serve it. Do not you like carrot? You can try this one, tomato and mango are blended as a juice that will give you extra energy. Don’t forget to keep your size of food under control, reduce eat junk food, meat and regular sports! Drink regular vegetable juicing recipes for weight loss really fast!!

read about 30 day juice fast weight loss