Vegetable Juice Recipes for Weight Loss: Combination of Veggies
Diet with vegetable juice does not mean you will have to eat/ drink vegetable juice alone for the whole time every day. You can treat the vegetable juice as the booster of your metabolic system. You can also consider it as a desert for your every meal. These vegetable juice recipes for weight loss are usually combined with certain other diet program. So you have already arranged your meal schedule and the menu. For the beverage, the veggie juice could be added to the menu. You have to be creative in creating new recipes for a variety.
Basic Vegetable Juice Recipes for Weight Loss
Here are several basic recipes of simple vegetable juice. The first one is the combination of cucumber and tomato. This is a very refreshing juice. The composition is 3 ½ cup of chopped tomato, 2 cups of cucumber, 1 stalk of celery, some grounded black peppers, cayenne pepper, and some sea salt. Blend them well and your juice is ready. Another combination is of carrot and watercress. The watercress can be purchased at the nearby supermarket along with the carrot so do not worry. 2 or 3 medium sized carrots are to be combined with 1 cup of watercress. You can add spinach if you want to. Use Kosher salt for this combination.
Those are some of the basic recipes for best juicer recipes for weight loss. Those are very effective for weight loss program. It helps to absorb fat and smoothen the metabolic system. Because vegetables are fresh and high in water, you will be well hydrated as well as get a sufficient intake of nutritions and minerals. You might have to pass a rather high hurdle if you used to consume fast food and junk food, as well as have no an arranged meal schedule. When you are on this diet, you have to have enough determination to stick on the schedule and avoid any unhealthy food. The vegetable juice recipes for weight loss will show the result after about a week.
read article about 30 day juice fast weight loss